Surgical treatment to relieve ligament pain

Many people suffer from instability caused by the lateral ankle ligaments. This instability manifests itself as ankle pronation and pain in the ligaments. Ankle ligament replacement using the patient’s own tissue can restore the ankle’s stability.

In order to ensure the ankle’s stability and to prevent further damage to cartilage, surgery is a useful option, but only if all other conservative forms of treatment have been exhausted. Surgery involves using the body’s own ligament material to replace the damaged ankle ligaments. This can also be performed in cases of a torn ligament.

How does ligament surgery work?

To restore stability to the ankle, the affected ligaments will be replaced with your own tissue, for example, left over ligaments, bone tissue and capsule fibre. In addition, tendons are approved to replace the lateral ligaments of the ankle. The new tissue will be gathered together, measured and formed to match the original length and then reattached to the outer ankle. Stability to the ankle should now be restored and the risk of pronation reduced to a minimum.

What happens after the operation?

  • Sedentary activities: two weeks after surgery
  • Standing activities/physically demanding work: two to three months after surgery
  • Driving: after removal of the special shoe – approximately six weeks after surgery
  • Use of exercise equipment: six weeks after surgery
  • Biking, running, swimming: two to three months after surgery
  • Performance sports: four months after surgery